• RagaMuffins

    Wednesday, September 15, 2010

    I sit with the drown of Nigerian rush-hour traffic blaring from the roads below.
    Still amazed that in thirty hours you can be transported to a different world, so entirely different! I am here in my home and life built on Africa. Wading through the sluggishness of time change and working on a properly running schedule. Roger keeps teasing me saying that our Nigerian maid is just as helpful and a whole lot cheaper then his Canadian bride! I guess he had high hopes that his enthusiastic travel loving family would return, sadly he realises we have all sold our soul to the freedom of the northern wilderness, a world away. Now that I am 'home' and unpacked I have lots of school preparation to do as we are already into the school year and Marion is eager to get learning. I hope to get everything ready to start this Monday. And because I am back in Nigeria and finding things of interest to write about came hard today, I will make mention that I made muffins so I do not look as 'ragamuffinish' to my dear husband!

    And that's it my friends...

    All's well that ends well... My Mother's favorite pep-talk line!