• Archive for May 2014

    A Corner for a Cradle

    Sunday, May 11, 2014

    I love getting ready for a newborn.

    The washing of little socks and sleepers

    Choosing just the right blankets

    Setting up the cradle

    Anticipation just floats through the home.

    Though this is my sixth time the marvel has not lost its touch, maybe it has even increased the sacredness of new-life and fleeting beauty of infancy.

    And the delicate little touches placed around the nursery

    even if there is only room in the corner of his parents room for a cradle.

    A Time To Keep: May

    Thursday, May 1, 2014


    She whispered into our morning hug,
    "May has come."
    She turned the pages of our worn through and thoroughly loved book from Tasha Tudors,

    A Time To Keep
    its pole and the flowers and the hope of beauty.
    This first of May we put away the math and made our morning a little merrier.
    We played Vivaldi's spring 
    as they danced around with lace and sun all entwining,

    It was just the way May should be.


    " And the secret garden bloomed and bloomed and every morning revealed new miracles."
    ~ Francis Hodgson Burnett~
    The Secret Garden