• Archive for April 2012

    A Pioneer Birthday

    Monday, April 23, 2012

    ~It has been a long two month wait for my prairie girls ~

    ~With the warmth of spring and the settling of life this celebration could finally unfold~

    ~A pioneer house was set up with~

    ~Pumps ~


    ~Clothes Pegs~

    ~And laundry line~

    ~Food popped like the pioneers~

    ~Seasoned with old time flavour~

    ~Canning jars for sipping apple cider~

    ~Gift pails with an old-fashioned candy stick~

    Many friends made perfect pioneering fun.
    So many memories in the making that this mama has not one single photo of the entire party in action!
    It was a precious day going back into pioneer time!

    Lavishly Lively

    Wednesday, April 18, 2012

    It has been one of those lavishly lively weeks
    Where every second is spoken for…

    With the beautiful busy of two boys

    Tonka Tracks

     A near empty fridge that hints of the need to leave my haven in these hills

    Surviving on the last handful of hodgepodge made into a steaming supper

    And Love

    Always Love

    Thoughtful Learning

    Friday, April 13, 2012

    It was another beautiful week in our school.
    With just one room and the whole glorious world as our learning space,
    spring's awaking thrills enhanced our gratitude and thoughtful learning.

    Paciferous Prairie

    Tuesday, April 10, 2012

    On a pinprick of paciferous prairie
    We found family and fellowship
    Laughter and tears tangled together

    We sought solstice on a weekend we remember surrender

    Allowing love to splinter our souls

    Ambers of Grace

    Wednesday, April 4, 2012


    In that late afternoon craze of pounding feet, tired bodies and lose tears

    Heaven glazed our earth in gold

    Folding small hands into mine we trailed the winding river under a canopy of grace

    Unfolded the days stress across a meadow

    The strokes of memories painted a miracle

    Embedding the ambers of heaven into the fabric of souls
