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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

My Home

I finally have had some time to take some pictures of my home... I want to invite you over, the tea is on and my music is playing come on in and have a visit...even if it has to be through the internet. This is the down-stairs (up-stairs is coming soon) it is not perfect but… when life throws you lemons MAKE LEMONADE! Everything I have came in boxes that had to fit under a certain weight...sent over oceans and continents...what a life! My dream home will have not one new piece of furniture…every piece bought used and refinished with love. But for now it comes from Ikea and odds and ends from around Nigeria.


Living and Dinning Room


Laundry Room

Play Room


Before and After: Stationary Desk. I got this furniture from a family who was leaving Nigeria...after a tad bit of loving it looks great! I am using it as my personal stationary cupboard...

Before and After: I bought this picture for ten cents at a garage sale. I painted and distressed the frame. I had found chalk sticker paper at a discount store in Canada, a whole roll was only four bucks. From what I used I calculates this chalk board cost a buck-fifty! Not bad for the price!

Material and chalk board wall

Thanks for the visit...come again soon!