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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Dear Roger,

Tonight my goodnight is in the letters on this page. I missed you at every turn of the day. I missed our hour lunch; I missed your smile I missed the anticipation of our evening. I nearly missed the anniversary of two years travelling the world. Dear Roger, can it really be two years? This adventure has made our love sweet and strong. All the memories and thrills are etched into the story we share, the views of a new city, the notes of a foreign tongue, hidden kisses down a cobble stone road, tears of good-byes, the challenge of a new unfamiliar tomorrow. I love been whisked away by you into this adventure of travel!

The road now leads onward
And I know not where
I feel in my heart
That you will be there
Whenever a storm comes
Whatever our fears
The journey goes on
As your love ever nears

Here is my heart and I give it to you
Take me with you across this land
These are my dreams, so simple and so few
Dreams we hold in the palm of your hands
Loreena McKennitt

I love you, my kisses await your return, peace be with you.
