Every Family has a
different method of grocery shopping; you would think my main goal would be to simply purchase food. Not so my friends it is to KEEP LACHLAN AWAY from all stores! Seeing
as we are thirty-five minutes to the closest Super-Store, a fifty minute drive
from the Health food store and an hour to Costco, lopping Lachlan into travel
and shopping, well let me just say our weekly grocery shopping brought out the ‘best
in me’! While living abroad we would
shop and take a years’ worth of dry goods into one shipment. I learnt exactly
what our families food needs were and decided to do the same thing here on
Canadian soil in hopes of avoiding the shops as much as possible. I ordered a years’
worth of dry goods from a distributer that supplies health food stores. By
buying bulk we cut our food costs which afforded room in our food budget to
purchase our meats organic and local, in which we bought bulk bringing the meat
cost down. A couple times a month Roger
and I buy the produce on our date night ultra-romantic,
I know! I store all the bulk food in our basement and restock my small kitchen
pantry when needed. It has been such a relief having all my foods on hand despite
the fact that it is an eye sore and most people wonder at my sanity!