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Saturday, February 28, 2015

An Exhale


Life exhaled for a whole beautiful hour. 

An experience that has become so very rare,

Roger gathered the cluster of noise-ies and hauled them along for errands at Home Depot 

Marion my lovely, offered to tuck the baby cozy like into the stroller and let him join her for a stroll on this cool early spring afternoon. 

I hesitantly - hopeful like, made my way to the bed for a nap. 

I slept solid. 

My rousing senses so pleasantly greeted with my favourite classical music softly drifting into my room, the smell of warm and welcoming wafts of cinnamon joining the pleasures of fresh picked blossoms catching the afternoons light. 
What a moment of beautiful peace. 

Marion my lovely thought through the details, tuned in the music, baked fresh coffee-cake, and kept the baby hushed. 

A precious gift of thoughtfulness. 

{ And the noise-ies have yet to return! }