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Thursday, April 10, 2014

Home Educating Through Spring Fever

It is the first week the windows have been opened since autumn stole the warmth, the breeze brought in hope and let out months of winter build up.
The boys found a puddle oozing with possibilities.
Them girls have counted five retuning birds, long missed from these woods.
We all feel this fever of spring.

We all want to tuck away winters stories and sweaters and live in the fresh of this season.

I have been wondering about the finish line here in my gabled school room.
The more home school mamas I talk to the more I realize I am not the only one finding it hard to wrap up what I enthusiastically started as the leaves fell and students were bright with anticipation.

I ponder

Should I be more in tuned with the rhythm of the seasons and learn to stage my education around the beckoning wisdom of nature?
How do I become more an educator brimming with grace then focusing on accomplishments and checkmarks.

Yet what of outcomes necessary in development of character and education?
How to know when to stick with it and push through challenges?

How to keep motivation and vision, year after year?

How to create simplicity and structure, beauty and imagination through the class room years?

I am examining my responsibilities and the personal needs gathered under the gables of my schoolroom,
I sense the need to tuck myself in nearer the heart of heaven and weigh His gentle desires for our home education.

Spring will unveil newness, I desire to slow my life and what weighs my heart to receive its revelations of beauty.

I may write as I learn more about the heart of my Father for our gabled school room.  
