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Thursday, February 13, 2014

'Command' Center

It's the weekend... you see Roger has tomorrow off which means I am starting weekend time a day early!
 Right now I am enjoying a few precious afternoon moments with the sun streaming through the windows, babies napping, laundry is done, house is cleaned and dinner is slow cooking.
 There is something about this time of year or could it be this stage of pregnancy that fills me with new vision and desires for my home. I am blessed to be living in my
House of Dreams,

yet there seems to always be spaces, corners and cupboards that can use a clean or overhaul. One such area that I am constantly trying to figure out is my kitchen, as our family grows and the needs change I am altering things to make life smother and more efficient.

Recently I have moved our 'command cupboard', you may remember it from This Post. I loved this space, which was located in the kitchen and just above the phone, yet I needed more kitchen cupboard space, for kitchen things.
We have this narrow hallway leading from the kitchen up to our 'gabled schoolroom' (open doorway on the left in the above photo). The hallway has a wall of build-in cabinets and a small utility sink. I have always been a bit at loss of how to utilize and decorate this narrow space, until I saw this bookshelf with doors at Ikea. I knew instantly what to do with the shelf and the hallway!
I moved our family command center to the hallway, I like how it looks and it's functionality along with how it bridges the space between kitchen and school room. It provided more room to organize our mail, calendars, phones, keys, cameras, general daily paper and schedules. On the wall space left of the shelf I framed our family rules, then a cheap plastic frame from Ikea inside I placed brown paper and wrote the days of the week. On the outside of the frame I write the day's most important requirements with a chalk pen, I can easily wipe it off and reuse the fallowing week. Putting the shelf and using it as our command center in the hallway opened up a large cupboard and two small drawers in the kitchen which was very much needed.

There are three sections in the cabinets that were all ready in the hallway. In the first section right beside the utility sink I have our cleaning supplies. I mostly clean with Norwex cloths and hot water. I have a place to hang our daily 'cleaning cloth' on hooks inside the cabinet, this way we can reuse it (other than bathroom or germy jobs) throughout the day, also my kids can get at the cloths (that is why the hooks are hung low). Because we do not clean with chemicals most wiping, dusting, walls and windows can be done by my kids, I also help, but I love to delegate!

The next section over is our household utility shelf, it holds everything from light bulbs to toilet paper, cloth bags and our going to town bins are at the bottom.

 Next section I have my vases, extra decorations, and our baby swing that can be hung in the kitchen, for those wild moments when only a swing will sooth a toddler!

There are three smaller cupboards above the cabinets, I use this space for baskets to hold any returns.
I am enjoying having a utility command/center space in our home. I like having everything in one place as opposed to scattered in different spots throughout the home.
I love that it looks lovely!