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Thursday, May 16, 2013


It is as the leaves unfurl and sparrows have returned to alight upon their tree top balconies, singing forth the melodies of this season. It was on this eve when every mother listens for the gentle humming praises of motherhood, another Sparrow flew on from this world, taking with her the beauty song of her young life.

Our friends, with their three blonds all ages under-knee, will lay forever their youngest.

How do you bury a baby?

With all her locks of silk and those eyes forever dancing?

How can this ancient passing of time offer life and death in but a second?

I’m a crumpled mess, with my babes all about and my grief falling moist about them, such grace to have five upon my lap, all this life, cherished as mercy from the grave’s view. Sparrow has taught me this, all I have is this second, tomorrow is not for today, I don’t live it for my own, because I am a Mother, and when these times come you only wish for one more second and then another and enough to fill a life and watch your babies join choruses of earth adding in the miracle of their lives. This is the wish of each Mother.

But how when the sparrow’s song falls silent?

And the next season is as cold as the earth that has covered your heart.

When I kiss little fingers all tangled up with mine and I run tenderness over a wound and I wrap one all up in an embrace, I ache with love and it’s an ache that knows how fragile this beauty is.

I hear the tenderness, a Father’s words before the piercing death of his own Son.

‘Not even a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it.’
Mathew 10:29
There is fear in trust, but perfect love casts out fear.
This is the only way to Mother.