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Thursday, November 1, 2012

Near Your Alter



There was but a three day warning that our fifth was to be expected.

The very week my husband started the new working routine of being away

Far North

Week gone - Weekend home


A whirlwind of change

But God always calms the wild

Graces me with pockets of peace

Preciously rare moments that hem the horizons of hectic days

Dawn and Dusk

Hours of Heaven

Even the sparrow finds a home,

 The swallow builds her nest and raises her young at a place

Near your altar

Oh Lord of heaven, my King and my God.

What joy for those who can live in your house

always singing your praises.

Psalm 84
 My home has a new hum

Patters of feet, a candid of conversations, lullabies,

Whir of laundry, bruised exclamations, heralds of happy, trails of tears.

Exhaustion is real, so is the heap of never conquered laundry, streaks of smudged finger prints and an endless scattering of toys with children who never remember to clean them up!

At any given time a child needs my attention.

Yet my home is the host of


In the spirit of each of my blessings!

I pray the wisdom of a sparrow

That I may spread my wings safely over my young

The promise is that




Will fill my


Knowing the assurance that there is nothing more beautiful

 Then a life rooted upon an

 Alter of service.