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Monday, September 26, 2011

Back To School

~ Indicative of the title of this post… I am consumed with my learners and the time it takes to teach ~

~ Weeks ago before school bell ` heralds rang, we celebrated the year ahead ~

~ Took time too inaugurate the first year students ~

~ Refocus the returners ~

~ Christen the year with positive blessings ~

~ Wrap our love and dedication around all these beautiful souls ~

{Oh my, September has been a flash! I am a teacher! A host to my family who are renovating my barn area! Sipping lots of pregnancy tea and watching this belly of mine grow! Sighing eagerly for my husband’s return back to this side of the ocean and gather his hormonal wife in his arms! But all together gratefully praising the Lord for his splendour draped in autumn’s radiance.}