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Monday, January 10, 2011

Mothering Mondays ~ Holding Hearts

Dear Mother,

We meet again on Monday. Is it not wonderful to be brought together through this extraordinary roll of Motherhood! My thoughts keep swarming around this topic, my, how vast its boarders span. I think we could sit here for some time, ponder, weigh, think and talk over the details and beautiful diversities of mothering, barley touching every facet. With all the avenues of mothering we could take on Mothering Mondays, I keep finding my thoughts leading me back to a simple but lofty sentence ~ Holding the Hearts of our Children.

Sweet Mothers, pause here for a moment. Listen slowly to these words ~ You, Mother, hold the hearts of your children!

I pause with you, I listen and feel the fragility the grand responsibility of this statement.

For my own sake let me fumble through these thoughts of mine.

When my babes were given to me I was in-trusted with this tender and awesome child. My role as a human shifted considerably. Yes I was now responsible to provide stability and survival for my child. And I devoted my hours, days, years to be that caretaker. There was something else that was gifted to me in that exchange of life. It was the hearts of my children. At some time in my children’s life they will give their hearts and loyalties to romance and love of a different kind. But for now my children’s love is wholeheartedly given to me.

I wonder how I handle it. Do I carry the weight of this responsibility with delicate and tremendous care?
Have I cherished and treasured their heart the same if not more carefully then I expect my spouse to hold mine heart?

When my children look into my face do they see the same adoration, expectance and unconditional love as they offer me?

It is in the way I mother, their hearts close to mine, that will make the deepest imprint into the coursing paths of their lives.

I have noticed a marvel, when a child searches a face and finds eyes brimming, spilling, wild with the dance of love and joy, the child can hardly contain their pleasure. It wraps them in warmth and security, lifts their spirits, an oasis in the rugged terrain of life.

I wonder how many battles could be soothed by gentle grace? Could a moment of your life, nestled close to a child, hearing their child like thoughts, derail a child’s frustration? Could your patients, your tenderness woo their hearts into your hand? If you held those hearts like the greatest treasure on earth, knitting it into your roll as a Mother, would equilibrium settle naturally in your spirit and home? If your child’s heart became the most vigilant part of your parenting, how would the atmosphere of yours and child’s life change, would many of the daily ‘grinds’ fizzle out, leaving beauty in the wake?

I know that when you cherish and hold esteem the heart of a child, your Mothering weave will shine brilliantly, never ending, in the etch of life.

If you have hold of this awesome responsibility, to gain and cherish your child’s heart, it is in that you will be given the ability too truly

Mother your child.

Mother’s you are the guests of honour on Mondays and because you mother, are the giver of gifts, and pour out from your life ~ life to your children. I wish to send you something to let you know you are remarkable! And I know that! I know you often give more then you have to give. Every week I will have a little treasured package carefully chosen out to bless your mothering ambitions. All you must do is quietly slip your name into my inbox and I will fold your name into a draw. On Fridays I will randomly choose one of your beautiful names, then as quickly as I can, get it sent off to balm your long days. For more deatils click the 'Gift Give Away' on the menu bar.