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Monday, January 24, 2011

Mothering Mondays ~ Words

Dear Mothers,

I am easing my self out of bed, early, you sweet mother are present in my morning. May I ask if you would grace me again as I thoughtfully stammer out my heart, pen words humbly, as a Mother desperately still learning.

I am thinking of Words.

The lyrics of our lives. The sounds of our heart. The mark of our Mothering.

I wonder could words be the single most effective tool of Mothering?

Our delicate souls are woven words, laced together through life. Some words hang as crystals a pyramid of cascading light, sadly others are infectious with debilitating pain.

The words that make it to sound, are first drops in the pools of our mind or heart, they gather existence and form into the gushes of our words. So let us slip back to these two gathering places of the birth of our Mothering words.

Our Mind:

Mothers what runs around in that extraordinary mind uniquely yours? I know I am piteously human and often find my mind working wasteful thoughts. I have found that most Mothers have a recording playing constantly. Usually it is familiar derogatory tune, hums of our failures, weakness, and shortcomings. It plays around and round until painful paths have formed and the thoughts of our selves are left to travel the trenches of muck.

What if we gather courage this community brings, together we press pause on those negative thoughts, clear our heads for a moment.

You are extraordinary! Perfectly designed to be the person you are, no other single human being could do as good of a job at being you as you can. You are made unique, perfectly canvassed to hold the story of your life. A shinning example of a miracle in action. You were meant to grace this earth at this very moment, Mother to the souls of your children! No one could ever replace you,


If you would, give your self-the most powerful gift you can, WORDS OF LIFE. Garden those trenches until nurturing and bountiful life flows from your thoughts, into words about your self. The beauty of who you are as a Mother should greatly effect your home, creating a place where words are for blessing, beauty, healing, encouraging, infusing the mundane with joy and life. Through your thoughtful Mothering words!

Our Hearts:

Mothers did you know that out of the mouth the heart speaks? What is welling in that Mother heart of yours? That deep cistern of love! Does the love you have for your child swell and spill into your words for them? Do your words cascade from your heart on the sounds of your voice?

With ever word we speak to our children we are cultivating who they are. Our words the fertiliser for their identities. We know words hang heavy, we have experienced this in our own lives. I have heard, and oh how I know, that it takes one hundred positive words to calm the effects of one negative word. The power of words, stemmed from the power of our hearts! I can hear our own aches now, the fragility of a broken heart beating of pain, unable to compose hope or sweetness.

Dear Mother there is no easy remedy for brokenness, and I offer my clumsy success and that is to love, love others, and healing will surely mend. Love stiches the pain into wholeness and health. If words released into your atmosphere are words of healing they will positively effect, even you. It is a beautifully effective cycle!

It takes a wise and thoughtful Mother to slow the stream of noise and listen to the world she is composing with her words. It takes the courage and God given strength of a Mother to infuse grace with every word she speaks. It takes Mothering ingenuity to cradle her child’s destiny in the safety of her words. It takes the LIFE WORDS of a Mother to create the spectacular symphony of greatness your child is destined to be.

It is in your words that life is formed!

Mother’s you are the guests of honour on Mondays and because you mother, are the giver of gifts, and pour out from your life ~ life to your children. I wish to send you something to let you know you are remarkable! And I know that! I know you often give more then you have to give. Every week I will have a little treasured package carefully chosen out to bless your mothering ambitions. All you must do is quietly slip your name into my inbox and I will fold your name into a draw. On Fridays I will randomly choose one of your beautiful names, then as quickly as I can, get it sent off to balm your long days. Email me at and I would be delighted to add your name to this weeks gift give away!