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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Families Reads

As I cleaned the house this morning I piled the families currant reads into a stack and thought I would share how eclectic the individual choices were. The beauty of books, I say!

Marion has disappeared into these...
Poems for Boys and Girls
Little Rascal

Davina thoughts are captivated by these pages...
The Princess and the Kiss
The Lord Builds the House

Don't ask me what topic seems to have Roger attention...
Wealth of Nations

I can be found praying through this spiritual delicacy...
Wesley Campbell

The familiar language of my parents landscape makes me just a tad less homesick...
The Homesteader's Daughter

I saw Lachlan reading this in his crib the other day...

We are all in a flurry today as it seems we have misplaced our Wordsworth poetry book! As it is a daily read around here, it must have been misplaced as it rolled through all us readers! Marion is in tears because it takes a good four weeks for it to be ordered and sent to us in Africa! I sure hope she will survive... can some one say drama?!