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Sunday, August 29, 2010
Mud On The Tires
We are home again. Another wonderful (east bound) trip over the mountains. The three 'bumble bee's' (their car name because my kids have a way of buzzing as soon as they get into the car...or hive as I call it!) were wonderful. It is amazing what bribery can do! We all loved having cool Uncle Kris as our driver!
We sent him off with sadness this afternoon. His leaving begins the end of my time in Canada. I plan on spending my last ten days ~relishing~ the joys and beauty and simplicity of my life here and working on looking for the positives about returning to Africa. Stay with me as I blog my way through the (often boring and always emotional) process of wrapping and gearing up to head around the world to my home built on the 'red dirt' of Africa. There my husband is waiting arms wide ready to gather me close and has grand plans on keeping me close (on the same continent) for a while more.