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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I Do Hope...

Has it been over a week since I have met you here? Please forgive me but time was of the essence while I was with my dear family. I could hear time slipping away and I wanted to savour every moment. The week was splendid. So much took place… This week not only did my family come to stay but Roger’s beautiful Mother also joined us to relish in the new little man. I felt so blessed being surrounded by my dearest of dear. Those long hours of nursing were spent hearing stories as my Mothers cooked and visited and shared. I watched as the children romped through the new summer green, making play and adventure. Unlike me, my camera was hardly used. Where once I held my camera my arms have now been filled with a baby and my fingers laced with the clutch of a new-born. Though I wish I had captured every enticing moment shared with my loves. I will be content to know there are seasons in life some to cradle a baby...and thats about all!

I do hope you are well…
I do hope we can meet here most days this week, depending on mid-night feedings and daytime naps…

P.S can you imagine he is four weeks today!