My advice to you, my good friends... Never laugh at your parents!
When my parents moved into the deep Canadian forest I wondered if they would have modern conveniences such as electricity or Internet. They assured me they could get both, solar energy and satellite Internet! I laughed hard, I mean hard, at my parents Internet provider. Explorenet...o.k who has ever heard of explornet? I laughed as I told them they were going way back in time! Well what goes around comes around, right! Here I live not half hour from Calgary and the only Internet provider we could get for our new home was...wait for it...Explornet! Satellite Internet! There is a limit of how much satellite we can use in twenty-four hours if we go over our limit we get this uber slow, going back a decade in time slow Internet. The reason there has been no blog post over the weekend was because I downloaded a album off itunes and zapped our allowance... I just wanted to make sure you knew the reason why I was posting Sundays post today. And I have learnt my lesson never to laugh at my parents!
P.S I found the decadent bouquet of love and words that moistened my eyes awaiting me in my kitchen this morning... life could not have a more beautiful high then dandelions and love words from a child!