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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Turning of Tears

I planned to have a 'complaining' blog post today, as my day has been...terribly Nigerian style! I had plenty of frustration tears and as Roger walked through the door for lunch I had little to feel good about. But then he passed me a package sent from home, and as each little gift came out of the box my tears turned from frustration tears to happy tears. It is amazing the package came at that very moment because it has been the only bright part of today!

Some of you may not know what it feels like to have birthday cards sent to you from your (much) younger siblings. Getting cards from them is one of the fastest ways to warm my heart! I still have cards almost the exact same given to me by Brad and Kris when they were little...these cards are my treasures!

Of course my parents always send us each something that makes our this book with the beautiful writing on the inside.

Herbs for pregnancy collected in the wild forest underbrush...such beautiful colour and smell. And a Ginger Ale starter (because I can not find any Ginger Ale here in Nigeria) to sooth my nausea...very thoughtful!

This D.V.D. We watched a portion of it during lunch. I think we all may have a new favorite movie. I was even sent a book from my childhood in which I have such fond memories of when my Grandpa read to us this story.

Thank you family. I was a perfect package that came at a perfect moment!

P.S Beth, I really needed a big bear hug from you today!