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Friday, January 15, 2010

Can you guess?

I’m in London…gosh I have said that many times this year! I am here for my twenty-week prenatal appointment. Roger and I flew up just for the weekend leaving our little ladies behind (safe at a friend’s house)! My heart is broken! It is the first time I have left Davina for more then a few moments…I’m an attached parent…my poor darlings. Marion informed me this evening they are all “perfectly okay and are absolutely fine without me.” As a mother, should I take that as a good thing or allow my heart to be shattered? Though we left our darling girls, we had eager anticipation to once again see our sweet number 3. All is well with me and babe. The ultra-sound showed the most perfect little features; beautiful lips, strong-long legs and arms (a..humm..all the kicking!), a beautiful heart beating with life, and very obvious boy parts! It’s a full fledged male, legs spread wide for all to see! Roger has not been able to wipe the tears from his eyes and his beaming grin is that only of a father expecting a son. It is simply amazing…what a gift!

And so a new chapter begins in our lives…raising a man! What a thrill!

P.S For those of you who are with our girlie's this weekend...please do not breath the secret of a new brother. We want to tell them and see their faces!