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Saturday, December 12, 2009
Holiday Home
Last night we had a cherished evening together as a darling little family. This Christmas I have the opportunity to establish my families own traditions, as years of past we have travelled to be with extended family. Of course we love being at the homes of our parents wrapped in the memories and traditions we share with them. But as all young families (and young mommies who love to bring a touch of joy and fun into her own home) must do, is bring traditions that touch their family with festive.
Last night was purely that…making memories and festive. With Christmas music playing, we ate our tasty treats and decorated the house in charm. After all the set up was done, the sun had set so we lit the candles and plugged in the lights of the tree. Everything looked so nice and the girls pranced around with glee.
One thing that Roger and I wanted to celebrate this year was the lighting of the advent candles. We are a bit behind in weeks so last night we started and we will light another tonight and then be on schedule for Sunday. After all was done we gathered the girls around the candles that have been set up on our dinning table, we read to them from the scriptures, Marion lit the candle and we prayed as a family. It was a beautiful moment. I loved the looks in the girls candle lit eyes, sparkling with interest and meaning. I believe that the lighting of the advent candles will teach and bless my little girls as it did me while I was growing up.
I look forward to the coming weeks and all the fun and meaningful things that this holiday will bring for my family and myself.
Prettig Kerstfeest (Merry Christmas in Dutch)