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Monday, August 24, 2009
Cancer, once only a distant sorrow, visited to others around me, has become a presence in our life. The truth of this illness fills our breath, our thoughts, our heart. I wake with a fog that lingers over our life. Our dear brother Timothy…has been told Cancer is in his brain. How do I describe my teetering emotions? We as a family stand on the edge of a valley, unfamiliar and frightful. Moments of my day are held up by the strings of denial, fear, hope, peace, tears, uncertainty, and acceptance. As the days are passing, fight is filling our souls. We have found the strength to be brave and thrust ourselves into this valley. We hold on to each other and the love we have as siblings… I burrow my hand deeper into the tight grasp of my heavenly father’s. We keep our eyes locked onto the eyes of our creator, asking for wisdom, for healing, for hope, for the miraculous peace that passes all understanding.
With tears,