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Monday, July 27, 2009

It's in the charts...

I am a complete scheduler! I schedule a time to schedual...dorky...I know. But I can accomplish so much more when I do not have to think of what comes next. Also with two little kids I could get lost in all the things that need to be done. And miss doing the things that are very important like spending time reading, cuddling and just having a great'ol time with my babes. Every day I like Marion and Davina to do a few things to help out around the home. If you have little kids you will know that to get a little kid to work creates more work then gets accomplished, right? So I set about to create a no-fuss easy to fallow for a five year old chore chart. This is what I came up with. It has helped reduce my involvement time by 99%! She knows what to do and when to do it. It took a week of doing her chores with her, so she could learn them thoroughly. Now she can do them all on her own...which turns out to be a great help to me!

I started out with a laminated master copy. On it has the days of the week and then the day broken into three sections, A.M, Noon, and P.M. Marion then knows exactly what day and section of the day she needs to fallow.

From there I folded paper to act as a envelope to hold the chores for that day/time section. I put magnets on the back so the envelopes can be removed to see the master copy (if needed).

I then drew out the chores on little pieces of paper, and laminated them. Then I placed them in the exact time slot she need to accomplish those chores.

All finished it looks like this.

When it is chore time Marion goes to her chart, grabs the laminated chore cards allotted for that time, places them in a carry around tag thingy. I then have to only glance at her tag and know what she is to be doing, she can see what she needs to be doing and knows when she is done. When she is done she puts her chore cards right back where she got them. It may sound like some fuss...but honestly she accomplishes alot every day and all I have to do is remind her it is chore time!

At the end of the day I have a happy, proud, little helper.