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Tuesday, July 14, 2009


We want to say good-bye to our dear people of Canada. It has been a wonderful two months. I have our memories tucked into my heart, to pull out when ever I get lonely for you. Canada the country was as majestic as I remember, her beauty is a gift to me and the world! I want to say good-bye to those of you we were unable to see, we missed you and we love you! We want to say thank-you to those who helped to make our stay so easy and stress free, we want to say thank-you for all those you showered us with love and are the best!

My tears flowed as I left for the skies. A part of my heart remained with you... in Canada, my true home.

Davina sleeping in the lounge during our delay in Germany. We pulled two chairs together...there she conked out!

We are home now in Africa. We have been busy moving and unpacking our new home. This move was the least distance so new country, no new culture, no new language! Just around the corner from our old flat. We have a home now, it's larger and brighter and seems to feel more like a home.

Thank you again! We love you all!