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Friday, May 15, 2009


We've been on a book kick the past few days. We have hit up the library and bookstore. It's been book heaven!

Rogers lovely mother reading to Marion.

After all those new books this is what my living room looks like!

This is my cousin Mathew reading Tomas to Davina. He made us cupcakes! They were great Matty (I can still call you that right?)This guy is still available ladies...if any one wants a cupcake making, Tomas reading, very lovable guy...drop me a note and I'll see what I can do!

Auntie Mir do you notice the sweater? Hand made with an abundance of love to shield my girls from the cold… it is still working... thanks again my dear friend.
She needed a little extra comfort after the four vaccine shots she had this morning.

And this gal had two shots.