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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Beloved Beauty

This night has marked the passing of a baby into a toddler. Today she wakes to a New Year and a new age. Before shines the thrilling age of two with all the growth and exploration and passion a two year old encompasses. Behind her she leaves golden etched memories of newborn days.

Davina was awaited with desire. We longed and prayed for a baby for eight long months. When we got the first glimpse of her through ultra-sound and we heard the perfect words ‘a girl’! I looked into Daddies eyes and a joyful tear spoke every word that was in our hearts. Never before has such anticipation swept us off our feet. On the eve of your birth we sat in your nursery and longed for you to come into our lives. Your birth was so peaceful and serene. The moment you were born a hush fel over the room. The doctor, nurse, Daddy and I were all moved to silence by your beauty and something you brought into the room; your spirit. The months that followed were the most dream like months of our lives. You brought so much joy into our family. I will never be able to share all the little moments that you have brought peace into my heart. As we moved around the world, often while we were on the move to a new country and home, apprehension and fear would get muddled in my heart, the comfort of you on my lap as my baby was all I needed to know I would be okay. There has been something about you that has bound us all up in your charming ways. Even strangers (all around the world) have come to tell us there is just something incredible about you.

Davina Rose, our beloved beauty, treasure of our hearts. My girl who’s eyes sparkle and dance. Your sweet and jubilant ways entice and captivate many admirers. You are the handiwork of the heavens and have been gifted to us as a daughter, received in love and with great reverence to your creator.

With great joy and love we welcome this morning Davina our TWO year old!