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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Gift Opening!

Here are some festive photos of our girls opening their Christmas gifts. It was our first time ever opening gifts in our own home with our own tree and ooooohhhhhh how wonderful it was.

We opened the gifts in the evening under the twinkle of lights. We had a fancy spread of special foods. And the girls danced and jumped and beamed with delight with every new gift.

Stockings..more like mittens, filled with undies!

Cinderella movie.


Bird back-packs...for all those travels

Marion showing Davina how to use her new puppets.

Note...Davina's happy content face.

Jolly Postman Christmas book.

Singing Christmas songs with their new gear.

Perfect+Pink+Princess house=smile!

Davina's new undies....most kissable tummy ever.

Girls doing stretching on their new mats. Cute undies Davina.

With in five minutes the mats turned into Bible reading and somersaults mats.So much for exercise.

Davina opens package of candy....all by her self.

Davina getting what she can before I get involved!

Sense of accomplishment....I got it into my mouth before Mom caught me! True excitement!

Have a very Merry Christmas every one. We love you!!!!!!