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Friday, January 18, 2008

Mostly Davina

We have been asked to up load some photos of Davina so every one can see her and all the growth she has been up to. She is almost eleven months! And my baby is much to quickly growing away from new born into independence and childhood. She is sugar and spice tied up so nice. She is so bright Roger and I are always amazed at how much she gets. Nothing is missed by Davina. We have so much fun trying to trick her (which never works )With her blue eyes and strawberry blond hair, she is quite a treat for all the Asians. I think her photo has been sent around the world by now, seeing as so many people take them of her. We get stopped everywhere for people to look, take photos or simply rub her peachy cheeks. They all marvel over her blue eyes. We marvel also. Marion and Davina adore each other and greet each other every morning with hugs, kisses and pure glee. Marion has yet to complain about sharing or adapting because of baby. She is very patient and has taken to her role as a sister very naturally. I will hear them playing together and Marion teaching Davina or including her. Makes my heart skip a beat! Just the other day we were playing at the park and she saw Marion climbing up the slide. Well Davina was certain she could do it also. Crawled over and climbed right up. No pauses or set backs, pink dress and all! Davina is the essence of life and she omits energy, confidence, and joy.
Marion is sweet and smart. Eager to learn. We are very challenged by her desire for information. She thinks about everything she hears and sees. She loves to travel, and adapts well to other cultures, foods, languages. She is very patient. We rarely have to tell her anything twice. The other day she was teaching Davina how to walk! Ofcourse Davina was falling, by the time I came to Davina's aid Marion was frustrated. I told Marion Davina could not walk yet, Marion then said " then why the heck does she have legs?" Marion is really looking forward to being four in a few weeks. She also is excited to learn how to read ( I told her when she turned four she will start to learn). She explains to me rather diplomatically what a set back to her life it is that she can not read on her own, that it would be much better if she did not have to wait until Roger or I could read to her. She is certain that life will be much easier for her when she can read on her own! I hope this updates you. Marion really misses everyone and is looking forward to having lots of fun coming home to Canada in the spring.

This is Devi our wonderful nanny!